Monday, October 14, 2019

EP-12 - கனவு காணுங்கள் - What is your Dream

Today is one of the greatest influential person’s birthday. Any guesses… Keep thinking… Let me leave a clue. He says கனவு காணுங்கள். That is right, he is Dr. Abdul Kalam.

Today's Topic: What is your DREAM?

Rajesh do not do this. I am hearing mind voice உசுப்பேத்தி உசுப்பேத்தி உடம்பு ரணமாயிடுச்சு.

Let me share my personal incident.

I am a small town boy who had all education in a Government school. Most of the conversation happened in Tamil.

When I migrated to Chennai, It was shock of life. I have tonnes of fear. I was completely full of fear and inferiority complex. Speaking English, Speaking Girls and Public speaking was a மரண பயம்.
I was like Velaikaran Rajnikanth who spoke “I talk English, walk English” in butler way whereas I was surrounded by Stella maris and queen maris girls பின்னி பெடல் எடுப்பாங்க. I was literally scared and run away from them at a distance of 10000 feet. I was like a small scared mouse in front of big lion. I was completely devastated inside a cage.

However I had a dream of speaking in front of huge audience.
My wife pulled me out of the cage and took me to toastmasters. She introduced me to my mentor.
Initially only air was coming out of my mouth, slowly it becomes words and sentence. Eventually I spoke a whole 7 minutes speech and then my dream came to reality when I spoke in front of 800 people in an inaugural function.

Throughout the journey, My wife supported me and helped me in build my confidence and self-esteem. I am very much grateful to her. Similar to Alchemist quote, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

I am a normal, mamul, average village boy. If I can achieve my dream, anybody can achieve it.
Let us dig deeper on what happens when you have a dream. How to achieve our dreams.

This is where I want to go back to Secret movie. Secret movie takes about Law of attraction. Law of attraction is based on Ask, Believe and receive method. Every one of has an Allavudin’s wonderful lamp. 
Jesus says, தட்டுங்கள் திறக்கப்படும் கேளுங்கள் கொடுக்கப்படும்

Our first thought as soon as you get up from bed and last thought before you go to bed play a key role. It goes to subconscious mind. NLP programming also says the same thing.

What is your dream?

Abdul kalam says
கனவு காணுங்கள் ஆனால் கனவு என்பது நீ தூக்கத்தில் காண்பது அல்ல உன்னை தூங்க விடாமல் பண்ணுவது எதுவோ அதுவே இலட்சிய கனவு - அப்துல் கலாம்

What is your dream

Bharathi says “கனவு மெய்ப்பட வேண்டும்”

Martin luther kings had a famous “I have a dream” speech which became reality

What is your dream?

Similar to Alchemist quote, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Exercise: Write your dream in a single sentence like a tweet message. Please write in present tense with action words.
Eg., I am a great professional speaker.

Before I conclude I want to dedicate this song. It is my favourite song. Whenever I feel down, I listen to this song to pep up myself. Each and Every line is meaningful. It is from Autograph movie which says
ஒரு கனவு கண்டால் அதை தினம் முயன்றால் ஒரு நாளில் நிஜமாகும் (Ovvoru Pookalumey)

Theme for the week: Be Proactive – Courtesy: Habit1 of Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people.
(Start Date 12th Oct, End date 18th Oct – Saturday to Sunday)
Habit1: Video (Please watch it without fail)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit 1 - Presented by Stephen Covey Himself

link: கனவு காணுங்கள் .. அப்துல் கலாம் ...

Dedicated song for today:

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