CC5 - Your body Speaks - My kinda break

A ring, a ring o’roses,
A pocket full o’posies-
Atishoo atishoo we all fall down
Fellow Toastmasters and guests,
That was me singing the nursery rhyme in the campfire with my 2 year old daughter.
It was Dec 28th 2011, 7.30 pm I was having a delicious gourmet dinner with my family members in a well decorated glassy restaurant with a spectacular beach view in Club Mahindra resort.
Fun, blustering music [body gestures – closing the ear with face expression] were the language of the evening during our Christmas and New Year holidays.
Next day around 12.30 am in the midnight, I woke up suddenly by a whistling noise [Body language]. It was none other than the “Thane” cyclone and we were right in Pondicherry.
As the time passed by, the intensity of the cyclone increased.  We were advised to remain in the room.  Sudha and I were seeing the horror of the cyclone from our glass view beach resort.  Fear of death came to my mind for the first time in my life.
Suddenly we heard a cracking noise from the roof.  The asbestos of our room’s roof flew off.  We were stunned. As the water started dripping from the roof, I quickly moved my father to the other side of the room. That was when the whole false ceiling came crashing down.  Half the roof was on our bed. We were all huddled up in a corner.
That is when I decided to rush out of the room. Holding my younger daughter on one and my father on the other hand we slowly and carefully came out of the room.  My wife and elder daughter went ahead of us.  The wind speed was so much that it was trying to pull us away [Body Language]
My father’s spectacle few away in no time and disappeared.  We slowly came down to the ground floor. I was shocked to death as I could not see my wife and daughter who left a little while ago.  I was desperately searching for them for some time… Suddenly a door opened in the back and my wife came out.  Thank god, I was quite relieved.
Apparently, she got down and knocked the door of the ground floor guest in the middle of the night and sought their help.
We were much safer in the ground floor room. Slowly, the whole room was filled with water. Our family and ground floor guy’s family got adjusted in one king size bed (4 adults and 4 Kids).
After 10 hours of massive disaster, it slowed down.  Just like the rhyme, the roof of the first floor had completely fallen down. [Voice modulation – talk slowly]
I approached the restaurant where we had dinner the previous night.  All the glasses were smashed everywhere.  The whole resort was unmercifully crucified by Thane. 
We all moved to the conference hall which was the only safe place that had power.
I would say it was a 5 star refugee camp as we had been provided with food, tea, coffee and place to sit.
I was totally upset as the complete property was devastated.  I was empathizing with the resort manager.  He said, “it took them four years to build everything which blew away in few hours”.  All the well maintained plants and trees were blown away.  The nature hunt trail which we went the previous day was horribly hunted by the nature.
It was sorry state of affairs. Most of the people were selfish but for a few.
One guy approached the resort manager and asked “would you be giving the letter for insurance claims”
Other old aged woman started applying foundation and mascara as she was so bored.
For the first time in 10 years, I did not see anything talking on cell phone. Then I realized all the towers were gone.
All roads were blocked as the transformer and trees fell down and the roads were cleared by the evening and we all came back to Chennai.
Anything could’ve happened on that day but luckily there were no casualties.. Thank god.
While driving back from the resort, a thought was lingering in my mind.
It was the first time for me and I happened to be at the resort.  What happened to those have-nots and fisher men at Pondy and Cuddalore who face this horrible cyclone year after year.
I don’t have an answer? Do you?
Over to you TMOD.

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