Monday, December 9, 2019

EP-68 - ஆளும் வளரணும் அறிவும் வளரணும் அது தாண்ட வளர்ச்சி via Growth Mind...

transcripts of the speech are given here in YouTube Description.

EP-68 - ஆளும் வளரணும் அறிவும்
வளரணும் அது தாண்ட வளர்ச்சி
via Growth MindSet  - Greatness Series - Zero to Hero 100
days Personal Transformation Journey

We are in
Episode 68.

இந்த YouTube channel லை வாழ வைக்கும் தெய்வங்களாகிய எல்லா
ஹீரோயின்களுக்கும், ஹீரோக்களுக்கும்

As we have
completed all the 7 Habits of Stephen Covey, I want take up “Greatness Series” to
address other best behaviours, habits, simplifying tools, good books, Videos,
TED Talks and resources.

It was 2nd May
1993. Celebration, Chaos and Commotion were the order of the day. It was my
college farewell day. I finished my final year engineering exam and I was
having fun with my friends. After the college I came back to my village. I felt
victorious on having finished my Engineering degree with distinction (without
any arrears). I was thinking I know it all type of fixed mindset. I spent the
next 3 months by relishing Thalaivar movies and chatting with friends. Simply
said, I was TOO busy … doing nothing.

I was not getting
interview calls, no preparation from my end. I was in the mind-set that
everything would fall on my plate without any effort. It is almost 3 months has

One day my mother
lost her patience. My mother got very upset. When our parents get mad at us…
the first thing they say was “When I was in your age… “ and start to give a
gyan. My mother was no exception. I did not allow her to talk and it ended up
in war of words. We had a multiple levels of heated arguments. “Rajesh (shout
in anger!)… Get out of the house. Get out of the house to challenge / grow
yourself?” In the end she told me to get of the house (வெளிய போடா நாயே).

… these words from
my mom were constantly ringing in my ears… as I was on the train from Pattukkottai
to Chennai. That was my most unplanned trip in my life… ever. I was clueless. I
did not know where I’m going in Chennai… I did not know what I’m going to do in
Chennai… but, I knew only one thing. I should prove to my mom that I can stand
on my legs…

I came to Chennai
thinking that I would be rich in one song similar to Velaikaran movie.
Initial days were
all full of hardship. I thought everything would fall in my plate after coming
to Chennai like they would show in Movies. Soon I realized Reel life is
different than real life. I struggled a lot to meet the ends.

This incident
helped me to grow a lot by challenging my paradigm.

Even today, I could
still recollect my mom’s words. I should not be like a frog in the well (கிணத்து தவளை). I should grow myself. ஏட்டு சுரைக்காய் கறி க்கு உதவாது. If I have to grow, I have to equip myself

Now I can relate
this to Fixed Mind-set vs Growth Mind-set. 
I was completely in Fixed Mind-set by staying in my comfort zone. I was
not ready to face any challenges, obstacles and more importantly effort.

In hindsight, my
mom wanted me to grow. She wanted me to embrace challenges of real life,
persist in the face of obstacles.

In growth mind-set,
we see challenges as opportunity to grow. If I would have stayed in a small
town, I wouldn’t have grown at all.

After a year of
struggle, I got my next challenge in form of job in Gujarat wherein I had to
overcome the language barrier. Having experienced growth mind-set by moving
away from my native place, I wanted to take that as a next growth opportunity.  I did not know Hindi. I used to tell myself
as பச்சை தமிழன்டா.
I was very much confused
whether to take up the job or not. I took this as my next challenge/ barrier to
overcome. Then I got an opportunity to leave the country as well.

Similar to me, a
lot of us would have overcome various challenges and grown along the path.

Let us take Carol
Dweck’s Growth Mind-Set in our hands.
What is your
mindset? Fixed Vs Growth

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Paperback)

What is mindset?
A mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to
S: (n) mentalityoutlookmindsetmind-set (a
habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will
interpret and respond to situations)

Problems in life
can be understood better with the help of Mindset: The New Psychology of
Success. This popular self-help book written by Carol Dweck leads to a better
comprehension of the importance that a person’s mindset has in life. The author
has furnished her psychological theory with note-worthy historical and
contemporary individuals as examples.

According to the
theory postulated by the author, the attitude of an individual towards life
matters a lot. People with a fixed mindset do no look at life as an opportunity
to learn and constantly struggle to recover from failures. On the other hand,
there are the people with the growth mindset who take their failures as
challenges to be overcome. They look at nature as something to be discovered
continuously, one part after another.

The growth mindset,
which is the premise of the author's theory, challenges the conventional way of
looking at certain notions. As stated by this book, talents and brains often
get in the way of an individual's development. Being one of the most ignored
aspects, a person's mindset is an important factor that affects personal

[Source: Book
Mindset by Carol Dweck, Phd, Stanford University Professor]
Carol Dweck is an
academician and a psychology researcher who has worked at a number of
illustrious educational institutions. She holds a PhD from Yale University and
has a number of publications to her credit. Some of them are Mindset: How You
Can Fulfil Your Potential, Self-theories: Their Role In Motivation, Personality
and Development and Handbook of Competence and Motivation.

Fixed mind-set is
very comfortable for us. We do not have to do any effort, do not have to face
any obstacles, or face any challenges.

I could hear your
mind voice, Why does anyone has to go through Growth Mind-set. If one is doing,
comfortable in their jobs and comfortable in the family, what is the need for
Growth mind-set. One is happy with themselves, watching movies and be happy,
Why should anyone to go for Growth mind-set.

Almost I had been
through the same state for 15 years without putting any effort. I did not try
anything new. I was comfortable in my fixed mindset.

What is the need for Growth Mindset?
Change is happening
very fast. Companies have started following Hire and Fire method. To shape
ourselves in turbulent times, to renew and rejuvenate ourselves, we are forced
to adopt Growth Mindset. To be in the race, we need Growth Mindset. If it flows
like a river, it becomes Ganges. If it is stagnated, it becomes Cooum (Stale).
Let us all be like a Ganges.

If we are in fixed mind-set,
we see the success of others as threatening, we would face fear inside, and we
would be vulnerable inside. Whereas in growth mind-set, we see this as an

At times, I
voluntarily put myself in growth mind-set circles. By being in the company of
experts, stalwarts , I see this as an opportunity to grow along with them. I
have personally experienced this by being in Toastmasters and being in the
group of other leaders, I grow in the process as well (பூ வோடு சேர்ந்து நாறும் மணப்பது போல).

Exercise: Start
applying Growth Mind-set from Today.
Tagline for today:
Grow and Flow like Ganges.

Whatever you think is growth according to your terms, choose
those things. By taking up any new challenges which can add feather to your
collar, you can choose those things. Growth is not limited to any one aspect.

Some people grow by learning new languages. You can learn
German, Japanese if you are interested to grow your language skills. You can
learn instruments to grow yourself. You can learn to play piano or any

You can pursue a new hobby like photography or anything of
your interest.

I see this as a set of glasses or new paradigm to renew,
revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves. We have to keep challenging ourselves and
keep renewing ourselves.

Please watch Carol Dweck famous TED talk.
Carol Dweck The Power Believing that you
can improve

If you feel stuck in life, if you feel bored, if you feel
lifeless with no energy and enthusiasm, if you feel stale in life, take growth
mindset in your hands.
Puratchi Thalaivar says, ஆளும்
வளரணும் அறிவும் வளரணும் அது
தாண்ட வளர்ச்சி(, if we are all want to grow as 
Heroes and Heroines, if we want to flow like Ganges, let us all take
Growth Mindset in our hands.

Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets
That Shape Our Lives

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Carol Dweck The Power Believing that you
can improve

Cheat Sheet:-

About me:-
EP-0 - Who am I? - Rajesh Narayanan
If you do not know me
personally, you can check out this video

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