Saturday, December 14, 2019

EP-72 – ஆசை 60 நாள் மோகம் 30 நாள் - Greatness Series - Zero to Hero 100 days Personal Transformation Journey

We are in
Episode 72.

இந்த YouTube channel லை வாழ வைக்கும் தெய்வங்களாகிய எல்லா
ஹீரோயின்களுக்கும், ஹீரோக்களுக்கும்

As we have
completed all the 7 Habits of Stephen Covey, I want take up “Greatness Series” to
address other best behaviours, habits, simplifying tools, good books, Videos,
TED Talks and resources.

Yesterday we did
deep drive on Needs (அலசி ஆராய்த்தோம்). Today I want to take up the twin sister
of Needs.

We all know about Vadivelu
comedy scene வாம மின்னலு
I personally
experienced the same thing. My மின்னலு
was my salary. It gets
deposited on 1st of every month. Vanishes like a மின்னலு within five days. I was clueless.

During that point of
time, I attended a workshop “Jeevan Vidhya workshop”. During that workshop
Prof. Ganesh Bagaria asked one thing.

Do you know how
many dresses do we have?
Around 180
participants, no one knows how many dresses that one have?

At that point of
time, he has shown the video “Story of Stuff” video.
The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff
is a short animated documentary about the lifecycle of material goods. The
documentary is critical of excessive consumerism and promotes sustainability.

The Story of Stuff,
originally released in December 2007, is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled
look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of
Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social
issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world.
It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way
you look at all the Stuff in your life forever.

had been seen in 228 countries and territories. According to the 
Los Angeles Times as of
July 2010, the film had been translated into 15 languages and had been
viewed by over 40 million people ([1]

That night I
immediately called my wife. I asked her to count my number of Shirts.. When I
knew the number, I was very much alarmed.

It was 10 or 15 or
20. I had close to 50+ shirts/ T-Shirts etc, etc. In spite of that I am keeping
accumulating more and more. I guess I got addicted to Dil Maange more ads.

That night I
realized few things which were causing my salary disappearing like a
85% retail
shopping are happening thro women. That is why, all the top 3 decorated floors in
any shops are attracted towards women.
We buy
more. To meet our expenses, we work more and exhausted.
I see
every purchase gives a kick. Kind of dopamine effect. Knowingly or unknowingly
we fall into the buying freak habits. Slowly we are becoming shopaholic.
In the
U.S., we spend 3–4 times as many hours shopping as our counterparts in Europe
The average U.S. person now consumes twice as
much as they did 50 years ago.
If everybody consumed at U.S. rates, we would
need 3 to 5 planets
We each see more advertisements in one year than
a people 50 years ago saw in a lifetime.

Needs vs Wants
Yesterday in
Episode71, we spoke about needs. Today I want to talk its twin sister wants. Instead
of falling into the impulse buying trap, let us understand whether it is driven
by our need or want.

We are in a market
driven economy in India. Through varies ads, social pressure, big companies (like
a Mafia group) are trying to push their products. It has become a bottomless
bit like my 50+ shirts. We don’t even know how many we have. I also got
addicted to impulse buying. I could see the following trends among my friends
and societies.

Every 3
months we are changing our phones
Every 3
years we are changing our cars.
Some people
are shopping to avoid boredom in life.
We go
to malls to buy more stuff.
shopping is becoming more and more addictive.
A lot
of colleagues and friends buy things in “Great Indian Festival”. Some of them
buy things for the sake of buying.
Some of
them buy thinks and get delivered to office address so that they can hide from
their spouses. I see these trends in guys as well as women.
So and
so forth.

All the
materialistic needs bound to give short term happiness and short term
motivation. If you want long term motivation and happiness, please take your
underlying need instead of wants. All the materialistic wants fade away over a
period of time. ஆசை
60 நாள் மோகம் 30 நாள். Any materialistic wants lose it fame and motivation after 60 days.
Again, we tend to buy one more things so on and so forth.

That was the reason
my salary vanishes like lightening as I was focussing on materialistic wants.

After realizing
this, I had decided not to buy any new shirts for a period of one year. I
started delaying any major purchases which are more wants driven. In fact, I
have a Santro car which is Eleven Years old. People around me look me like an
alien. I want to extend the life of my car as it has only 70k kms on it which I
learned from Story of Stuff. Please watch Story of Stuff.

We need to
distinguish our materialistic purchases which are driven towards needs or
wants. Needs and wants are varies from one person to other person. It needs to be
validated at the individual level.

If you want to have a stretch goal, pursuing materialistic
thing may not fulfil your underlying needs.
Exercise: Please
answer these questions.
5 things that you
can do before your next purchase
your next purchases, please understand whether it is a need or want.
Is it
driven by the society or buy your own self.
Do not
do any major purchases in an impulse way. Go for delayed gratification instead
of instant gratification. The same deal will come in some or other way
with your spouse for all major purchases
Do not
get into emotion trap and feelings while buying things.. Buy it judiciously,

A lot of psychologists,
Phd folks are working hard our human psychology, emotional behaviour to make
you buy more. They are like a big Mafia group and working hard to make us Zero.
If we want to become a Hero, we need to understand our underlying needs.
Instead of going of instant gratification, let us all move towards delayed gratification.

It is time for us to distinguish between needs and wants.
Focus towards needs.

After deeper understanding of materialistic wants, I fine
tune myself to focus on Self Actualization Needs. I started focussing on
passion / hobby to motivate myself on a daily basis.

Instead of focussing on stuff, let us all pursue our highest
needs to shine as Heroes and Heroines.
Cheat Sheet:-


The Story of Stuff: The Impact of Overconsumption on the
Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-And How We Can Make It Better

The Story of
Stuff - Ch.5: Consumption

The Story of
Stuff Project – 20 Min Video

About me:-
EP-0 - Who am I? - Rajesh Narayanan
If you do not know me personally, you can check out this

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