Thursday, November 28, 2019

EP-57 – வெற்றிக்கொடி கட்டு - 5 tips to synergize @ work – Synergize - Habit-6 – Zero to Hero 100 days Personal Transformation Journey

இந்த YouTube channel லை வாழ வைக்கும் தெய்வங்களாகிய எல்லா ஹீரோயின்களுக்கும், ஹீரோக்களுக்கும் வணக்கம்.

I keep Steven covey as a general theme. Individual episode can be viewed separately for any new comer to this channel, or can be viewed it as a series.

Common Theme for the week (till today (29th Nov)) - Synergize (Courtesy: Stephen Covey).

Synergize - The Habit of Creative Cooperation

Courtesy: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Signature Program


Ineffective: It’s either your way or my way, or a compromise.

Effective: Together we can create a better way, a higher way (Illayara’s Orchestra or Bono / U2 Music Band).


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Value and celebrate the differences.

Practice creative cooperation.


Innovation and invention

New and better solutions

Transformed relationships

Appreciation of diverse perspectives

Let me start with a self-confession. I am not a Leadership guru, management consultant or OD specialist. Whatever I am sharing is not my own content. These are all the content I have learned in various walks of life through books, mentors and others. Most of it is all my own (சுட்ட பழம்) content (give credits wherever it is applicable). I see myself as a work in progress guy. I am not an expert in team building. Like most of you, I am also learning from this.

Today’s topic is – 5 tips to synergize @ work. 

1. Clear objective and common goal – Most of the times, we all have clear vision and mission on paper / poster and it won’t reach or synthesised in the team. It has to become a DNA of your team. It has to become a heartbeat for each and every team member. To do that we have to communicate your vision as if Vijay Sethupathi does it in Imaikkaa nodigal by repeating the same message again and again with his trademark “Ok Baby”style or Colgate ads.

2. To have synergistic team, we have to hire right diversified team. In the initial part of managerial journey, I mostly hired “Like Me” team member and burnt myself a lot. We have to be judicious in hiring a lot. Hiring mistakes are very costly to the team and org. It takes 18 months to 3 years to rectify wrong hiring.

Jim Collins in Good to Great says we need to hire(on-board) right person on the bus and right person on the right seat. Right person for the right role is very important.

We speak about diversity a lot. In my opinion, it is mostly restricted to gender diversity. It needs to be extended to diversity in thinking, diversity in ethnic groups, diversity in culture, diversity in race/religion/beliefs. Hire diversified team member in your team. Hire someone smarter than us who can challenge our status quo. These are few things that help to synergise better.

3. Empowerment – After hiring a diversified team, it is our duty as a leader to empower them. Rajesh, it is high impossible. We are always running behind deadlines and schedules. We do not have time anything other than our deliverables. If you think this way, I guess, we need to revisit Habit 2. Spend more time in Quadrant 2. Build trust in teams is the key. 5:1 appreciation and constructive feedback. Promote collectivism in teams. We have to wear the hat of a Coach. There may be a great individualistic team member and struggling to gel with team. It is our duty to promote collectivism and synergy in team.

Similar to Bigil movie football matches; good teammates don’t try to hog the ball (or the spotlight). They know that the success of the team is more important than the success of any individual player, so they help each other out, and they trust their teammates to do the same.

Showing your team that you have faith in their abilities and that you trust them to do their job well is the most important job a team leader has. And a team with no faith in itself is not likely to succeed.

4. Communicate, Communicate, communicate – one of the biggest complaints from my management team or wherever we go, most of our team members, they won’t talk. We won’t even talk if we have any executive visits. Our lips are sealed with Fevicol most of the times. It is the responsibility of the leader to make them talk or get questions upfront from the teams before executive meeting will be more effective. Make them communicate their views. Communication is the KEY element for synergy.

Find a way to address conflict and have crucial conversation then and there. Thereby you can avoid forming groups. Similar to political parties, there is a high tendency that your team may form groups like DMK or AIADMK or third front groups formation in work place as well. Keep rotating and move them out of comfort zone always help to build more synergy.

5. Fun and Freedom – Similar to Fish management book, we need to have fun in the game in your leadership role and your team should feel the same.

a. No emails / meetings on Fridays

b. Focus time for employees to learn and experiment on their own. Most of the introverts in the team need time for themselves to bring their best. Need some solitude time as well.

c. Open door policies

d. 3 M’s detrimental to synergy are Managers, Meetings and Mails.

e. Informal lunch get-together.


Try to practice 5 tips in workplace to bring synergy. Please share your ideas in the comments section as well.

These are not complicated. James C Hunter in “The Servant” book says, Simple rule is to treat people the way you would want to be treated. The Golden rule, you know, be the boss you wish your boss would be, the parent you wish your parent had been more fully for you, the neighbour you wish your neighbour would be. Today, I am not here to instruct you. Today, I am here to remind you.

To be successful at work place(வெற்றிக்கொடி கட்டு), let us take Synergy in our hands.

Tips:- Use Talking Stick while having one to one discussion either in personal or professional setting. This can be used in our daily conversation with our spouses, teenage daughters/sons, brothers/sisters or with our mom. This can be used in our team meeting as well.

Foundation of any relationship is deeper level of understanding. Let’s understand, then to be understood.


Theme for the week: Synergize – Habit 6 – Courtesy: Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people.

(Start Date 23rd Nov, End date 29th Nov – Saturday to Friday)

Today’s Videos:-

Week’s Video for quick reference.

41 Habit 6: Synergize - Part C: The Perspective of Humility

40 Habit 6: Synergize - Part B: Creating The Third Alternative

39 Habit 6: Synergize - Part A: The Process of Synergizing

Jack Ma videos

Jack Ma career advice: You don’t have to be smart to be successful

Jack Ma: I always try to find people smarter than I am

the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

Wisdom of Geese (Motivational)

Quote for the week to ponder upon:

The enemy of the best is the good – Voltaire

If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary – Stephen R. Covey

If you want to walk fast walk alone, if you want to walk far walk together. – Ratan Tata

You are average of 5 people you are with.

Don’t expect anything original from an echo – Dune Muncy.


HABIT 6: Synergize

Books: 7 Habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey

Today’s cheat sheet:-

This week’s Cheat Sheet

About me:-

EP-0 - Who am I? - Rajesh Narayanan

If you do not know me personally, you can check out this video

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