Saturday, October 19, 2019

EP-17 - Centre of your universe (உன் வாழ்க்கையின் மைய புள்ளி)– Day 17 -Z...

எல்லா ஹீரோக்களுக்கும் ஹீரோயின் களுக்கும் வணக்கம்.

Theme for the week, from today till next Friday (25th Oct), we are going to keep Begin with the End in Mind as a weekly series - Stephen covey’s Habit-2.

In the circus, we use to see a guy who juggles balls. He starts with two balls, slowly he adds one by one. He comfortably juggles 4 to 5 balls. He effectively and efficiently manages to juggle 7 to 8 balls after hours and hours of practice. That is when he gets standing ovation and applause. At one point, he deliberately adds more and more balls to collapse it.

This is where I go to Stephen covey. Being a Sunday, Please watch his video without fail today. It’s just 5 min video. He talks about various balls in our life. He asks what our focus is.

Similar to the circus guy, we also start our life student, career, husband, wife, volunteering, aspiration, passion, spirituality etc. When it comes to women, she juggles many more balls. Debate speaker Bharathi baskar says, “Similar tortoise which carries its shell throughout life, women carries her home all the times, each and every moments of her day-today life and throughout her life. She juggles many more balls.

- What are your balls?
- What is your focus?

As it is a Sunday, let us spend 10-20 mins for ourselves after watching Stephen covey’s video. Let us identify our balls / quadrants.

- What are the different roles that we play in our daily life
- What is our centre focus

This helps to create main focus point for our life and life decisions. Habit 2 is one of the best habits to master. With my 25 years of experience and numerous books, people who mentor me, to whom I have learnt from, I still feel this is the best habit to master. I may be wrong, Please validate with your frame of reference.

The circus guy did much practice to juggle multiple balls at the same time. What about us. Have we done any practice to juggle multiple balls like Work, life, passion etc? Moreover he gets more and more stages to practice his skill. Unfortunately for us, we all have only one life. There is no rewind button in life.
- What are our balls?
- How many balls we can simultaneously juggle?
- What is our tipping point before we collapse?

What are your balls? What are you juggling with is the question for today.
Let us choose our Life Centre. உன் வாழ்க்கை உன் கையில்

Theme for the week: Begin with End in Mind – Courtesy: Habit1 of Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people.
(Start Date 19th Oct, End date 25th Oct – Saturday to Sunday)

Habit 2: Begin With The End in Mind - Part B: Choosing a Life Center
Books: 7 Habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey

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