Monday, December 30, 2019

EP- 85 – 5 Heroes/Heroines Mindset to keep in 2020… - Greatness Series - Zero to Hero 100 days Personal Transformation Journey

We are in
Episode 85.

இந்த YouTube channel லை வாழ வைக்கும் தெய்வங்களாகிய எல்லா
ஹீரோயின்களுக்கும், ஹீரோக்களுக்கும்

As we have
completed all the 7 Habits of Stephen Covey, I want take up “Greatness Series” to
address other best behaviours, habits, simplifying tools, good books, Videos,
TED Talks and resources.

We spoke about 4
Agreements to keep in 2020 in EP-83 (,
Yesterday we spoke about How to stop worrying and start living in 2020 in EP-84

In continuation to
that, I want to have 5 Heroes/Heroines Mindset to keep in 2020.

What are those 5
Heroes/Heroines Mindset.

This year, instead
of resolutions, I want to keep 5 mindsets in 2020.

All resolutions are
created in the mind first and then in reality. As a Heroes and Heroines, Let us
have 5 mind-set to adhere to :-

Mindset – Enough has been discussed on this. Our mind does not distinguish
between positive and negative ones. It tries to execute it whatever it receives.
Abdul kalam’s Wings of fire, he mentioned the effect of positive mindset. Two
kids were hanging in the branch of a tree. One kid’s mom told him not to fall.
He immediately fell down and broke his leg. The other kid’s mom told him to
hold tight. He did the same. In fact, I could relate this to Thiruvallur’s Thirukkural

உள்ளுவ தெல்லாம் உயர்வுள்ளல் மற்றது

தள்ளினுந் தள்ளாமை நீர்த்து.

மு.வரதராசன் விளக்கம்:

எண்ணுவதெல்லாம் உயர்வைப்பற்றியே எண்ண வேண்டும், அவ் வுயர்வுக் கைகூடாவிட்டாலும் அவ்வாறு எண்ணுவதை விடக்கூடாது.

us be Positive always. A wealth of information on Positive psychology is all
over in Google. You can do more research if needed. Let us have Positive
Mindset & approach in 2020.

vs Scarcity mindset – This we discussed on EP-39(EP-39 –
நீலாம்பரி - Win-Win Scripting – Think Win-Win (Habit
4) – Zero to Hero Series

covey vouches for this in his habit 4. Let us follow Abundance mindset wherever
possible. After every meditation, we bless everyone including our spouse, kids,
siblings, relatives, co-workers and even our enemies in வாழ்க வளமுடன்  (Vazha
valamudan). I learned it from them. I would say it is the one of the best
examples of abundance mindset. Let me reiterate Abundance vs Scarcity mindset



I believe there is plenty out there for everybody
(e.g., options, success, opportunities, credit).

I believe there is only so much, and the more you
get, the less there is for me.

I am happy for the successes of others, especially
those closet to me.

I am threatened by the success of others,
especially those closet to me.

I treat everyone with equal respect.

I treat people with varying degrees of respect
based on position or status.

I find it easy to share recognition and credit.

I have a difficult time sharing recognition and

I have a deep inner sense of personal worth and

I find my sense of self-worth from being compared
and from competition.

Fixed vs
growth mindset – This we discussed in EP-68(EP-68 -
ஆளும் வளரணும் அறிவும் வளரணும் அது தாண்ட வளர்ச்சி via Growth MindSet - Zero to Hero Series - A newborn baby has trillion of neural
connection. When we learn anything new, new neural connection is getting
formed. It is never too late to learn anything new. Follow Kaizen wherever

of Gratitude in life-EP-70 -EP-70–
குறையொன்றும்மில்லை-Master the Art of Appreciation- Greatness
Series - Zero to Hero in 100 Days Let us keep Gratitude Journal from
Tomorrow if we have not done it already.

Hear and Now approach wherever possible. We all feel very light if we live in
the moment. Our human mind always shuttle between the past and the future.
Present is the only gift that we have.

the regions, scholars, philosophers from Jiddu krishnamurti to Eckhart tolle
says the same thing. JK says to live life with observer mindset (Looking life
with 3rd person’s perspective). This way we can stay immune to our
emotions and it helps to stay in present moment. Let us all do dancing in the
present moment to experience life fully.

All these mind-sets
are not very complex at all, Stephen covey says it is all common sense, but not
commonly practised.

Let us
practice these common sense in 2020.

Added to
that, Let us look at life as a game. We need to have fun in the game and fun in
life to avoid over exhaustion.

I want to
end today’s episode with famous Steve Job’s quote, Stay Hungry and Stay
Foolish. This way we can enjoy the game of life.

Tagline: Stay
hungry Stay Foolish in 2020.
Tomorrow we
will talk about New Year Resolutions. Stay tuned.

About me:-
EP-0 - Who am I? - Rajesh Narayanan
If you do not know me personally, you can check out this

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