Tuesday, November 12, 2019

EP-41 – Green and Clean – Think Win-Win (Habit 4) – Zero to Hero 100 day...

எல்லா ஹீரோக்களுக்கும் ஹீரோயின் களுக்கும் வணக்கம்.

Theme for the week (from
today till next Friday (15th Nov)) – Think Win-Win (Courtesy:
Stephen Covey).

How many of you have teenage daughter at home? How many of
you have a subordinate who does not finish his / her job?
Then this is the episode for you.

In my house, we have this incidents happen quite often in
our house. We expect my daughters to keep their room Clean and Clean.

Most of times, they do not do it as expected. Then we
started shouting many times. After a level of frustration and nagging, it gets
cleaned all the time. It all ends with a hag in the end after so much of
frustration. We all go through this at least once a month.

Problems with this approach:
Missing personal responsibility
No clear expectations
Controlling our kids
Frustration, anger and nagging
Needs to monitored
They do not do things on their own.

is the better approach? That is where I want to take the help of Stephen covey’s
– Create Win-Win agreement. He beautifully narrated the whole incidents happen
between his son and him and how he overcomes the pitfalls which you and I go
through in personal life and professional life.

Create WIN-WIN agreements
Elements of an
effective Win-Win Agreement:

Desired Results

What’s the end in
mind? What are the outcomes I want?


What rules do I
follow? What are the guidelines for accomplishing the results?


What resources do
I have to work with (eg., people, money, tools, materials, technology)?


How will we
measure how well it’s going?


What are the rewards
of achieving the outcome? What are the consequences of not achieving the

Win-Win Agreements work great when you want to:
Clarity expectations.
Increase empowerment
Delegate responsibilities
Align conflicting priorities

Win-Win Agreements can be developed between any two
Manager / associate
Peer / peer
Parent / child
Client / supplier
Delegation – two types 
Gofer - a person who runs errands,
especially on a film set or in an office; a dogsbody.
Stewardship - the job of supervising or taking
care of something, such as an organization or property.
Stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible
planning and management of resources. The concepts of stewardship can be
applied to the environment and nature, economics, health, property,
information, theology, etc.

learnt from the Green and Clean video:-

Think Win Win
- Part E: Win-Win Agreements
When we delegate work, please give the complete responsibility
to the individual
Individual is his / her boss. You boss yourself.
Tell what to do it, not how to do it.(How comes from the
individual and that increases personal responsibility). It is always up to
Don’t expect others to do their job similar to our way
Provide help if required.
Who judges you? You judge yourself.
Is it a deal? Give one or two days to think about it.
As a parent or manager, we tend to get into
Reactive approach if it is not done
Getting frustrated, Burning inside
Yellowing our family members/subordinate
Moving to Win-Lose, instead of Win-Win
Yelling and Nagging – More You messages eg., son, you get
out there, you get over here or I’m telling etc
but the moment you kill the ghoose, you kill
effectiveness, you go for efficiency
She / He’ll clean that out and what happens tomorrow when
you’re not there
Bite our tongue in anger, frustration. Reaffirm our
purpose raise children/subordinate not things.
Pressure cooker situations and burning inside.
Faking it totally by controlling our emotions.
Not giving full Accountability – How we violated our
agreements. We knew that that’s not what we agreed to do. we’d get our tongue
What hard is moving up the level of initiative. If we nag
people enough work is the course of least resistance.
We cannot hold our people responsible for results if you
supervise their methods
Signed the win-win performance agreement.
Takes time to setup the agreement and to reaffirm it
The tendency is to backslide on it when we see mistakes
Keep believing in the people, holding them accountable in
the way it is agreed.

Theme for the week: Think
– Courtesy:
Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people.
(Start Date 09th Nov, End date 15th Nov –
Saturday to Friday)

Today’s Videos:-
Green And Clean

Week’s Video for quick reference.

EP-37 Video
29 Habit 4: Think Win Win - Part A: Win-Lose Conditioning

EP-38 Video
30 Habit 4: Think Win Win - Part B:
Believing in Win-Win

EP-39 video (Part C – Starts from 15:50
to 22:30)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit 4 - Presented
by Stephen Covey Himself (Longer version for the whole week) – For Binge
Watching Folks –(Starts from 15:50)

EP-40 - Habit 4: Think Win Win - Part D: The Four Dimensions
of Win-Win


Think Win-Win
Books: 7 Habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey

Cheat Sheet for The
4 Dimensions of Win-Win

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