Tuesday, November 26, 2019

EP-55 – Practice Creative Cooperation – Synergize - Habit-6 – Zero to Hero 100 days Personal Transformation Journey

I keep Steven covey as a general theme. Individual episode can be viewed separately for any new comer to this channel, or can be viewed it as a series.

Common Theme for the week (till today (29th Nov)) - Synergize (Courtesy: Stephen Covey).

Synergize - The Habit of Creative Cooperation

Courtesy: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Signature Program


Ineffective: It’s either your way or my way, or a compromise.

Effective: Together we can create a better way, a higher way (Illayara’s Orchestra or Bono / U2 Music Band).


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Value and celebrate the differences.

Practice creative cooperation.


Innovation and invention

New and better solutions

Transformed relationships

Appreciation of diverse perspectives

Preview: Mauritius

FranklinCovey's The 7 Habits Video Preview: Mauritius


Highlights of Mauritius

Literacy is 98%

Employment 100%

There are no race riots

The police don’t carry guns

Interfaith celebration of religious holidays is common practice.

Mauritius has the longest uninterrupted history of democracy in Africa

How do they practice Creative Cooperation:-

Because there are so many different cultures and communities around, we use to listen to the others, we have to take care of the others & their opinions and we readily accept them. It means the idea is to try and get a little bit of everything.

It emerges. They think after all this struggle, we have born for, we have been able to understand that there is nothing better than understanding, helping, sharing, and giving even to anybody who is next to you.

How can you value the differences in your team?

How did they practice creative cooperation in Mauritius.

Practice Creative Cooperation

Synergizing is a creative process that explores new possibilities to benefit all parties involved. At its best, it is a process that results in Third Alternative.

Today’s Cheat Sheet:-


Getting to Synergy

Check willingness. Be willing to search for a solution that is better than what either of you has in mind.

Reflect viewpoints. Restate the other’s viewpoint to his or her satisfaction before you state your own.

Create new ideas. Propose and refine new ideas. Go back for further understanding until you arrive at a Third Alternative.

Step 1

Check willingness

When you face a problem or an opportunity, start the Getting to Synergy process by asking the other party, “Would you be willing to search for a solution that is better than what either of us has in mind?”

Often a lack of trust is one of the reasons people are unwilling to search for a Third Alternative. Fill in the common “blocks” to synergy below.

Most of our success achievement and happiness come from the quality of relationship that we have with others.

We humans have certain limitations to perform a certain task and together we can get more work done in comparatively less time.

People who are truly effective have the humility and reverence to recognize their own perceptual limitations and appreciate the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other human beings. – Stephen R. Covey.

Step 2

Reflect Viewpoints

As you continue the process of Getting to Synergy, ask the other party, “Would you agree to a simple ground rule: I can’t make my point until I restate yours to your satisfaction; you can’t make your point until you restate mine to my satisfaction?”

The “Talking Stick”

Only the person holding the Talking Stick is allowed to speak. Once that person feels understood, he or she passes the Talking Stick to the next person.

Humility and Reverence for others

When you feel you are right, are you willing to put aside your own personal views and feelings so you can truly listen to the other person?

Willing                                                                                                                                                   Unwilling

When you feel your ideas are being attacked, are you willing to keep yourself open to the thoughts and feelings of others that may be uncomfortable for you?

Open                                                                                                                                                         Not Open

Do you believe that humility and vulnerability are actually strengths and not weaknesses?

Strengths                                                                                                                                            Weaknesses

Step 3

Create New Ideas

Once you feel you have achieved a solid level of mutual understanding, purpose and refine alternatives: a new insight, a model, a plan of action, or a prototype. Keep refining, creating, and going back for further understanding until you have arrived at a Third Alternative.

Going for a Third Alternative takes an enormous amount of internal security. You begin with the spirit of adventure and discovery. You leave your comfort zone and comfort an entirely new and unknown wilderness. But in doing so, you become a pathfinder. You open new possibilities and new territories that others can follow.

You’ll know you’ve created a Third Alternative when you both:

Have a change of heart.

Feel new energy and excitement.

See things in a new way.

Feel the relationship has transformed.

End up with an idea that is better than what either of you started with.

Quote: don’t expect anything original from an echo – Dune Muncy.

Application suggestions:

Make a list of people who irritate you. Do they represent different views that could lead to synergy if you had greater intrinsic security and valued the difference?

The next time you have a disagreement or confrontation with someone; attempt to understand the concerns underlying that person’s position. Address those concerns in a creative and mutually beneficial way.

Tips:- Use Talking Stick while having one to one discussion either in personal or professional setting. This can be used in our daily conversation with our spouses, teenage daughters/sons, brothers/sisters or with our mom. This can be used in our team meeting as well.

Foundation of any relationship is deeper level of understanding. Let’s understand, then to be understood.


Similar to practicing creative cooperation like Mauritius, we can practice it in Teams (EP-53) and even in Families.

That is why, it is habit, not hardwork


Theme for the week: Synergize – Habit 6 – Courtesy: Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people.

(Start Date 23rd Nov, End date 29th Nov – Saturday to Friday)

Today’s Videos:-

Week’s Video for quick reference.

41 Habit 6: Synergize - Part C: The Perspective of Humility


40 Habit 6: Synergize - Part B: Creating The Third Alternative


Jack Ma videos

Jack Ma career advice: You don’t have to be smart to be successful


Jack Ma: I always try to find people smarter than I am


the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra


Wisdom of Geese (Motivational)


39 Habit 6: Synergize - Part A: The Process of Synergizing


Quote for the week to ponder upon:

The enemy of the best is the good – Voltaire

If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary – Stephen R. Covey

If you want to walk fast walk alone, if you want to walk far walk together. – Ratan Tata

You are average of 5 people you are with.


HABIT 6: Synergize


Books: 7 Habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey

Today’s cheat sheet:-


This week’s Cheat Sheet



About me:-

EP-0 - Who am I? - Rajesh Narayanan

If you do not know me personally, you can check out this video


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